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List of all official recordings


2 interviews of Martin Kubelík (May 2014)
1 - 2
(également discographies comparées - Dernière en date / Last one: Schumann - Piano concerto)

(and comparative listenings)
La  liste "complète" de ses concerts

The "complete"  list of his concerts
Ses meilleurs enregistrements accessibles

His best available recordings

Concerts - Broadcasting - 19/7/2024

Dvorak - In die Natur - Mendelssohn - Hebrides - Weber - Oberon
Philharmonia - 194?
Stravinsky - Noces - Munich - 1962
Honegger - Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher - 1973
Haydn - Symphony n°99 - Schoenberg - Piano Concerto - John Ogdon
Tchaikovsky - Symphony n°4 - New Philharmonia - 1968
Mahler - Symphony n°4 - Frankfurt - 1964
Verdi - Requiem - Munich - 1972
Dvorak - Stabat Mater - Köln - 1976
Puccini - La Bohème - Covent Garden - 1956
Chopin - Piano Concerto n° 2 - Marian Filar - 1971
Rafael Kubelík - String quartets 3, 5 & 6

Beethoven 5 - Matinu Fresques - Chopin piano cto 2 - 1960

Busoni - Piano concerto - 1966

Bach - Brandenburgisches Konzert Nr. 5 - 1959
Martinu - Cembalo concerto - 1959
Brahms - Symphony n° 1 - 1959
Britten - Suite on English folk Tunes - 1976
Nielsen - Symphony 5 - 1965
Kubelik - Symphony in one Movement
Wagner - Tristan - 1958
Liszt - Die Ideale - SOBR - 1974

Beethoven - 3 - Berlin / rehearsal - 1967
Brahms - Piano concerto 1 - Arrau - SOBR - 1964

Mahler - Das Klagende Lied - 1979

Bizet - Carmen - Excerpts - 1975
Mozart - Symphony n°25 - 1975
Tchaikovsky - Romeo & Juliette - 1974
Schumann - Cello cto - Starker - 1963
Haydn - 101 - 1963
Haydn - 102 - 1961
Schumann - Piano Cto - Arrau - 1963
Schumann - 3 - 1962
Mendelssohn - Hébrides - 1962
Réformation - 1963
Dvorak - Piano cto - Firkusny - 1960
Dvořák - 9 - Prague - 1944?
Nielsen - Andante Lamentoso - 1950?
Bartók - Bluebeard's Castle - Lucerne - 1962

Acquisitions récentes - Recent addings - 17/10/2014
'Officiels' - 'Official'
Dvorak - Othello - Amid Nature - Czech Ph. 1946
Mendelssohn - Mer calme & heureux voyage - Philharmonia - 1949
Mendelssohn - A midsummer Night's Dream - Excerpts - Philharmonia - 1952
Gluck - Iphigénie en Aulide - Overture - Philharmonia - 1952
Brahms Hungarian danses 1, 3, 5, 6 - RPO - 1957

 Biographie de Rafael Kubelík - Discographie de Rafael Kubelík - Liste des concerts de Rafael Kubelík - Les meilleurs enregistrements de Rafael Kubelík
 Biography of Rafael Kubelík - Discography of Rafael Kubelík - Concerts list by Rafael Kubelík - Best of Rafael Kubelík